With a GenerLink Transfer Switch, you can now operate your emergency generator safely, protecting linemen from dangerous back feeds. The Bedford REC will install the transfer switch into your existing meter socket.
GenerLink provides a pathway for power to flow from the generator to a home’s breaker panel without the use of an expensive transfer switch. GenerLink eliminates involving an electrician, cutting into your homes electrical system and electrical inspector fees.
The GenerLink transfer switch comes in two different sizes, 30 and 40 amp models. The size of your generator will dictate the size of the GenerLink model required.
For an additional cost, you can also opt to have built-in surge protection for hard-wired appliances not protected by power strips.
It comes with a 20 foot cord to connect your generator to the GenerLink unit.
Units have indicator lights to alert the user of capacity, utility power, generator power, and abnormal conditions.
GenerLink Cut Sheet GenerLink - Your Path to Power GenerLink Compatible Generator List